Child and Adolescents
1. Developmental Assessment: Screens the child for the presence of any developmental disorders: Autism/Mental Retardation (done as early as 1 year). followed by suggestions for intervention in the respective areas.
2. IQ Assessment: Assesses a child’s general abilities: finds out why a child is facing academic difficulties and how the problem needs to be addressed. This also helps in planning for the child’s future, keeping in mind his/her areas of strengths and Weaknesses.
3. ADHD Assessment: Necessary to find out clinically, if the child is having above average activity levels (with respect to his age and gender) and if the child is having significant difficulty in concentrating- a common problem noted in school-going children, presented with falling grades and academic underachievement.
4. Assessment for Learning Disability: Again a common problem: if in spite of having average abilities, a child is unable to acquire learning concepts with respect to his grade, the child needs to be assessed for the presence of learning disabilities, commonly known as Specific Learning Disability, which can occur in the domains of reading, writing, spelling, mathematics Often 2 or more domains are also involved.
5. Diagnostic Psychometry: Child and adolescents are increasingly being presented here suffering from emotional and behavioural problems. There are a variety of problems which are diagnosed in children, which are either emotional or behavioural in nature. leading to adjustment problems. A diagnostic psychometry is often done to assess if a child/ adolescent is suffering from any such problems, which often goes undiagnosed in the early stages, failing grades, sudden change in behaviour, aggressive and disruptive behaviour and withdrawal from normal activities and reduced socialisation are some of the signs that parents report when they come for assessments. Moreover, such assessments help in further. treatment and helps in counselling the child.
Extremely useful for rehabilitation and treatment purposes, Cognitive Assessment helps to draw an overall inference regarding the cognitive functioning of an individual who has suffered any neurological disorder.